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New York Pipe Club
Home of the NY Pipe Smoker

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Track Avi's Progress - Help Avi Run the NYC Marathon & Help Kids With Cancer Too!

Published on 9/18/2013
Track Avi's Marathon Progress!!!

Please note the following from Avi...

Hello, fellow pipe club members:
As my brother and I near our final preparations for running the New York City Marathon, I'd like to thank you all for supporting us and the charity I'm running for, the Ronald McDonald House.
Below is a link to the marathon course, and also a link to information for tracking me through the web, or by apps for either the iPhone or android (for those of you interested).
You can enter my name (Avi Kotzer) or my bib number: 46495. Our starting time will be around 10:30 am.
We'll see you all Tuesday, November 12th to celebrate with a good bowl or two... or three!


And now a word from your president…

I normally shy away from solicitations via our website  or the Facebook channel out of respect for our members and friends. I do not like to use either for such things. The subject matter of this request, however, is, in my opinion, a noble one, begs your attention and directly involves one of our dear members, Avi Kotzer. Here’s what Avi has to say about his upcoming event:

Hi all:

I may have mentioned this to some of you already: I've been training for the NYC marathon this year. The marathon is November 3rd, and I'll be running it with my brother, who is traveling in from Israel for the event. He got in through their lottery system, but I had to get in through a charity. What this means is that I need to raise a minimum amount of money for them.

The charity I picked is the Ronald McDonald house. They host for free, children who come to NYC to receive treatment for cancer, along with their families. I've been helping them for the last few years by donating my unused baseball and football tickets.

So, I'm turning to some of my briar brethren for help. Any amount you can spare to donate will go the Ronald McDonald House, and will help me reach the minimum I need to raise in order to run in November.

Donations can be made at the following link and, anonymously if you prefer.

Thank you all for any support you can provide. And, in case you are wondering, no, I won't be running with a pipe in my mouth. However, if I manage to complete the darn thing, I'll sure celebrate with a bowl or two.


So, if you are able, I would encourage you to please do what you can for this noble cause and help Avi attain his goal.

Thank you!
