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ATTENTION!!! ATTENTION!!! Announcing the Debut Our Very Own NYPC Club Tobacco Blends!

Published on 4/25/2012

ATTENTION!!!  ATTENTION!!!  Announcing the Debut Our Very Own NYPC Club Tobacco Blends!


I am so proud of our blends!  I hope you all enjoy them as much as I.

Please bear with me and allow me to thank Kevin Godbee of for his willingness to be the herald of our club's proud achievement; our NYPC tinned blends, to the world of our beloved hobby!  His passion and devotion to the hobby is unparalleled and along with his website, just what we need to further our love for briar and leaf for generations to come.  I cannot express enough thanks and appreciation that I have that Kevin agreed to run the exclusive.  It could not have been orchestrated any better!

The article was expertly written; great job, as usual, Bill!  The reviews could not have been more favorable, and yes, the inclusion of the varied opinions pro and con was, genius.  It gives the entire article and review process a stamp of authenticity, because, let's face it, after all, taste is purely subjective however, when a blend is good, it's good and there is complete agreement over it.  I am so glad that the reviewers enjoyed them and I think the article will cause to generate much interest and anticipation for their Chicago debut.  I cannot wait!

Thanks to Russ for his patience and forbearance with me throughout the entire process.  You have demonstrated saintly qualities, my friend!  I also thank my brothers from the NYPC: Dan, whose expert and professional graphics design gave the tin labels a NY City flair all their own.  To Bill and Dan for creating and perfecting the tin verbiage.  To Michael Bernhaut and all his suggestions, advice and counsel, especially his suggestion for the concept of the “NY State of Mind” name we gave the "collection" as well his eagle eye proof reading of the final versions of the labels.  To my tobacco tasting focus group who offered their sage advice and opinions to make these blends what they are today.  And finally, thanks to all of my brother members of the NY Pipe Club and I leave out not a single one, who offered suggestions on everything from names to tin verbiage, sampled and commented and not the least of which, put up with me and my desire for tobacco perfection which I think, we have firmly grasped with these blends.   This, almost two year process, could not have been accomplished if any of the components were missing.  My heartfelt thanks go out to all.

My hope is that the entire collective brethren of the hobby enjoy them as much as I do.

Thank you again and I look forward to their debut in Chicago!

I apologize for the speech-like appearance of this post!



The blends have been debuted exclusively on and can be seen here:


The blends can be purchased here: