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Pipes of any kind

Estate Dunhills and Castellos
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Actually I saw the Castello pipes, and sent an inquiry to the owner. Turns out he made me an offer I could not refuse! I got two Castello pipes for a very low price. So I would have to say even though we have a weak dollar, this seller really went above and beyond to give a nice deal to make up for the currency difference.
Nice pipes, but one thing, the seller is located in Italy. We have a weak dollar, so the conversion from US Dollar to the Euro is around $1.50 to one euro. Better to obtain a used Castello here in the USA than to purchase it overseas. Now is the Dollar was STRONG, then a good deal could be sought.
Guys, a friend of mine just posted a bunch of estate Dunhills and Castellos. Prices for Dunhills are a little high, but Castellos are fine considering that these are all old vintage pieces from 60-70. take a look
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