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2012 Chicagoland Pipe & Tobaccianna Show Recap!

Published on 5/23/2012


The "Chicago Show" came and went so quickly!  The NYPC was well represented once again and we all had a great time as usual.  There was another very successful "Throwdown" produced by the collective genius of the "Brother's Guss", sponsored by both the Seattle and NY Pipe Clubs along with the cooperation of the three contestant blenders and finally the time and effort of the panel of three judges.  Congratulations go out to our good friend, Dick Silverman, the Chief Catoonah himself, of Chief Catoonah Tobacconists up north in CT., who was the victor of this years John Cotton Throwdown.  We are so happy for him.  We cannot wait to see what next year will bring!

Results of 2012 UPCA National Slow Smoke Contest

It was a celebration for the UPCA as the club marked its 10 year anniversary.  Founded in 2002, the UPCA strives to promote and protect the interests of the American pipe smoking community by encouraging and assisting in the formation of local pipe clubs and actively supporting their activities, including pipe shows and pipe smoking competitions.


Please visit the UPCA website at the following link for the complete run down of results of the 2012 UPCA National Slow Smoke Contest.  The NYPC sent 4 contestants into the fray!  Go see where we finished...


...and oh yes, there was this little debut of some tobacco blends...!

Introducing the NYPC Pipe Tobacco Blends!

As you may have heard, our own series of four tinned tobacco blends, the NY State of Mind Collection, made their proud debut exclusively on our good friend, Kevin Godbee's informative website and "in the tins" at the 2012 Chicagoland Pipe and Tobaccianna Show on May 5th and 6th, where our blends were extremely well received by all!  Many thanks go out to Scotty and the gang at, exclusive distributors of our blends, who had a ton of samples which were given away to all.  With our 4 blend variety, there was something to please almost any taste!

We all had a great time and as always, it is a pleasure to meet and spend time with so many of the hobby's pipe makers and tobacco blenders as well as all of the fine friends we meet up with each year.  The tent was once again the hub of activity as many of us met up there to enjoy a smoke and cocktail.  If you have never made it to a Chicago Pipe Show, start saving your money and strive to attend next years show, you will be glad you did.