And now a word from your president...
Our New Club Logo Goes Fashion Forward!!!
I'd like to share with you a
cool way for you to sport our new NY Pipe Club logo.
Thanks to the creative brilliance of our beloved member, Dan
Silverstone, the designer of our new logo, and in cooperation with the internet commerce vendor, Cafe Press,
I am proud to announce the...
New York Pipe Clubware Site!

Here's what's in the collection:
Along with the NYPC logo T-shirt, in an assortment of vibrant and
tobacco colors and the NYPC logo white Golf/Polo shirt, we also have the trendy, 'iPipe' shirt, the never out of style
'Vintage Blends' T-shirts, the classic NYPC logo Baseball Cap, and 2 different NYPC
1" buttons!
NOTE: If you tend to get excited wearing our clubware and set fire
to your clothing, you may want to cellar some extras in various colors.
A percentage of the profits go directly to our club, so break-in
a t-shirt, tamp down a 1" button, pack a cap and have a bowl with your new
Please visit this link to get yours:

Happy Smokes,