Please be sure to join the New York Pipe Club as we celebrate our sixth annual International Pipe Smoking Day (IPSD) celebration! Celebrated the world over officially on February 20th, our event will take place on Saturday, February 23, 2013 as we have once again been invited by Ron Melendi to celebrate the day at his shop, De La Concha, from 4:00pm to 7:00pm on Saturday, February the 23th. Again, while we are enjoying the celebration, why
not show our gratitude and support of our local brick and mortar shop
by purchasing some of the many fine tobacco blends offered by DLC or
perhaps even a brand new pipe.
Thanks again to Ron Melendi and the kind folks at De La Concha for hosting our club event again this year. For more information and store location, see below and also visit their website:
De La Concha
Be sure to make plans to
hoist a bowl in the name of international unity - you aren't against
that, are you? More information is available from the website:
International Pipe Smoking Day
On February 20th pipe smokers all around the world are celebrating International Pipe Smoking Day.
"On this day we will celebrate the noble art of pipe-smoking
and the spirit which pervades the brotherhood and sisterhood of the
briar. We will put into practice the time-honored and ancestral
traditions of raising our pipes in unison to toast each other and share a
bowl together."
The New York Pipe Club invites all pipe smokers and those
interested in the art of pipe smoking to join them in their celebration
February 23rd in the front window seating at De La Concha Tobacconist,
1390 Avenue of the Americas (6th Ave. bet. 56th and 57th Streets) Manhattan, NY from 4:00PM - 7:00PM.
So, come on out and join us and why not show our gratitude and support
of our local brick and mortar shop by purchasing some of the many fine
tobacco blends offered by DLC or perhaps even a brand new pipe!
And there's more... So, you think it couldn't get any betta', eh? Read on below, it does!
To add to the excitement of our own International Pipe
Smoking Day
Celebration on Saturday, February 23rd from 4:00pm to 7:00pm
at De La
Concha Tobacconist in NYC, I have been contacted by our good
Peder Jeppesen, maker of Neerup Pipes from Denmark. He is
planning a
Tobacco Shop trip throughout the USA and will be in our fair
city to
join us that day at DLC with a fine selection of his
beautiful pipes. He'd like to head over to Circa Tabac or Merchant's East, (Merchant's is within walking distance - we've yet to decide) to continue the celebration where he will have a number of his
pipes on display for sale there as well. So, come on out to DLC and then follow us down to Circa Tabac or Merchant's East - you can always call Lou on the cell at (347) 886-9784 to confirm last minute details.
As always, be sure to check your email for our club newsletter
announcements, our website and also, our Club Facebook page for more details as they become available.
ALSO! Don't Forget, The next NY Pipe Show will be on Saturday, March 9th in Newark, as usual, check out the website for breaking news!
And Finally... Don't forget to join us at our March Meeting on Tuesday, March 12th at Circa Tabac in SoHo, NYC. It was a banner night for attendance at our February meeting and our friends at Circa Tabac have reserved tables waiting for us so mark your calendars and come out and join us! See the website for all the details and be sure to sign up for our Club Newsletter!
Bring your pipes & tobaccos! Tobacco sharing is happily encouraged.
Invites you to join us on
Saturday, 2/23/2013 4pm-7pm
In the Window Seats at De La Concha
1390 Ave. of the Americas, Manhattan, New York.
Come for fellowship with other pipers!
Tobacco sharing encouraged!
Bring your pipes & tobaccos!
So wherever you are, lift a bowl and join pipers around the world for IPSD!!

Members of the New York Pipe Club celebrate the first International Pipe Smoking Day in 2008