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New York Pipe Club
Home of the NY Pipe Smoker

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CIPC President, Cornelius Crans Visits Our NY Pipe Club!

Published on 6/4/2014

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Our NY Pipe Club had the distinct privilege of welcoming a distinguished guest at our May 2014 meeting: Cornelius Crans and his lovely wife, Reijncke.  Cornelius is the President of the CIPC - Comite International of Pipe Smoker Clubs, who, thanks to our own Mr. Vernon Vig, made a stop over in our fair City after attending the 2014 Chicago Pipe Show. 


The CIPC was founded in Saint-Claude, France in 1973 as an association of national pipe clubs to foster friendship and camaraderie among pipe smokers worldwide.  Our new friend Cornelius is the current President.  The UPCA - United Pipe Clubs of America, whom we belong to, is a member of the CIPC.


Here is a link to CIPC Brochures:


CIPC Brochures


Also, at the May Meeting, I was the proud recipient of a generous gift from Cornelius.  Cornelius presented me with a traditional Dutch Porcelain Commemorative Pipe (for display purposes) as well as a clay version that can be smoked.  He also presented me with the traditional Troost Special Cavendish Pipe Tobacco to go along with the pipes!  I was so honored to receive them and they will take a special place not only in my collection but in my heart.


I hope that we can once again enjoy his company at a NYPC Monthly Meeting in the future!


Thank you, Cornelius for your generous gift.  It was a pleasure for us to meet you and your wonderful wife.  You both are honorary members of our NY Pipe Club.  Please stay in touch and I look forward to seeing you soon!




See photos of the evening in the Photos Section, May 2014 Monthly Meeting!



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