(Looks like we will be able to pull it off)
but let me say this… Please read and consider...
If it were not for the generosity of some members who will remain anonymous, this BBQ may not have happened, or at least in the format we are used to enjoying. I was considering going to a so-called, “Pot Luck” format whereby you’d bring your own, or extra food items, and that still might not be a bad idea. Monthly dues payments have seen a significant drop off since the days of Covid. In fact, as I’ve mentioned before, even our monthly meetings have suffered from poor attendance since then, although our June meeting was very encouraging with a really great turn out and some new faces as well, hopefully we keep increasing. Otherwise, I don’t quite know what to do about it. As far as dues, which are still voluntary, although, I don't really know what difference it would make to have them become mandatory, my main concern is to maintain the website which allows us to reach everyone with monthly newsletters and any significant news or events and to stay in commuication. We have a Facebook page which is "free" but realize that not everyone has Facebook, yes, even today! At this point, we have enough funding to carry the website expense for the remainder of the year. So, I urge you to consider paying the $25 dues payment, it really is an investment in YOUR club and what it allows us to do for YOU!
As always, I cannot thank Charlie and Marie, and Dolores, enough for hosting the event once again and for all the work Dolores voluntarily puts in to make it happen. Please be sure to extend many thanks to them.
New York Pipe Club's
14th Annual
2023 Summer BBQ - Picnic!!!
AUGUST 5, 2023
(I Can Almost Hear The Banjos Playin' (or is that Allan's Flute?) and Smell the Ribs Cookin'!)
It's FINALLY That Time Again!!!
2023 NYPC
14th Annual Summer BBQ
That's 14 Years of NYPC Summer BBQ's!!!
will be held on...
AUGUST 5, 2023
(Rain Date - 8/06)
July 28th*
You can email or call Lou, please do, so we can get a head count!
Brought to you and made possible by your generous dues payments!!!
2023 NYPC
Special Announcement - ATTENTION, ATTENTION!!! It's time to do it again! It is my pleasure to announce the New York Pipe Club's 2023 Summer BBQ - Picnic, our 14th Annual Event!!! Once again, please allow me to express, on behalf of the entire Club, our thanks and appreciation to long time and old time member, the "Keeper of the Leaf", himself, none other than, Charlie Pilnacek, and his lovely wife, Marie and their wonderful daughter, Dolores! Our gracious hosts from our last six year's events, which were all a huge success, long time NYPC member and "Keeper of the Leaf, himself, Charlie Pilnacek (and his lovely wife, Marie) have once again, for the sixth year, agreed to open up their beautiful back yard in sunny Lynbrook, Long Island, and host our fiesta! What a time we had over the last six summers! 2022's BBQ was a huge success, and once again, we thank our beloved member, Charlie for his hospitality hosting the BBQ which was one of our biggest and best! This year, we again head east to the southern shore of sunny Long Island! What a time we had over the last six summers!
It’s always so good spending the day with so many friends from a number of Northeastern Region Pipe Clubs! Spread the word to all! I hope you all can join us again this time! All are invited!!!
As always, with every NYPC event, All Are Welcome!!!
DON'T MISS THIS SPECIAL NYPC EVENT - brought to you and made possible by your generous dues payments!!!
Our gracious host from the past six year's events, which were all a huge success, NYPC member and "Keeper of the Leaf, himself, Charlie Pilnacek(and his wonderful wife, Marie) have once again agreed to open up their beautiful back yard in sunny Lynbrook, Long Island, NY and host our fiesta - our 14th Annual!!! What a time we had last summer!
Charlie&Marie and daughter, Delores, our hosts!

The 2019 Group Photo!

Picking a date always takes careful planning since, we want to ensure that everyone has opportunity to join us!
The party is scheduled for...
Saturday, August 5th @ 1:00pm
The BBQ get fired up on the 5th - bring your appetite!
The festivities start at 1pm and the club will provide the comestibles and soft libations (that's food and soft drinks).
If you'd like to bring something to throw on the grill, a plate or dish of your favorite food or dessert, we won't mind!!!
Alcohol will be BYOB
We want to take this opportunity to thank our beloved member Charlie, for hosting the event and we extend our appreciation for his gracious hospitality.
Saturday, August 5th, 2023
Rain Date: 8/06
Free food, free 'baccy, - who wouldn't want to attend?
The party will start at 1pm and go until we run out of matches! - here is Charlie's address:
Charles Pilnacek
27 Oak Street
Lynbrook, NY 11563
As always, the party will start at 1pm. Charlie's place is an easy drive for all of our members and friends from NY, NJ, CT and PA so please do not let the venue location prevent you from joining us!!!
For those driving, place Charlie's address into your GPS. For those without transportation, Charlie's place is very near to the Long Island Rail Road's Lynbrook station and we can arrange to provide pick-ups for you from the station to Charlie's house, which is a short drive away. If we know who is coming we'll also try to coordinate car-pooling.
IMPORTANT: For those driving, we need you to bring a folding chair or table or two. Charlie has a limited number of seats and tables so additional seating and tables would be much appreciated. Perhaps you might have pop-up tent style canopies which are very helpful. as well.
The festivities start at 1pm and club will provide the comestibles and soft libations (that's food and soft drinks).
We will work on arranging to have you picked up from the Lynbrook Station to Charlie's place which is a short drive away. If we know who is coming we'll also try to coordinate car-pooling from New York City, and from New Jersey. Call Lou at 347-886-9784 and I'll try my best to work it out.
BTW, this event is free and is made possible by your voluntary dues payment of $25 per year. If you haven't paid your 2023 dues, now would be a great time to do so via the website, mailing a check or by seeing Lou.
If you aren't sure whether you are a 2023 member, just ask!
This looks to be yet another great pipe event of the social season, so don't miss it. Mark your calendars, warn your spouses, and start choosing your best picnic pipes. See you there!
More details will follow in future emails as we get closer, so just mark the date and please stay tuned!
As always... All Are Welcome!!!
Saturday, August 5th, 2023